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Education & Training

Streamline your next concrete flatwork project with customized training for your staff at your business or via webinars. Each interactive session is conducted by PNA team members who provide technical knowledge, experience and insight from real-world construction industry perspectives. All sessions are customized to address your critical project requirements. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) may be available.

Engineers & Designers

  • Performance-Based Design: Exceeding Performance Expectations
  • Cost-Effective and Serviceable Concrete Flatwork

Owners, Developers and Facility Managers

  • Performance-Based Design: Exceeding Performance Expectations
  • Cost-Effective and Serviceable Concrete Flatwork

To scheudle your next training sesssion:

(800) 542-0214

Performance-Based Design: Exceeding Performance Expectations

Design & Construction Criteria for Concrete Flatwork.
Delivering concrete flatwork that meets your clients’ expectations and stays within budget can be challenging. We will discuss methods for delivering durable, maintenance-free concrete slabs-on-ground for various customer performance criteria and budget constraints while mitigating your professional liability.

Cost-Effective and Serviceable Concrete Flatwork

The highest risk component of any facility for a designer is the concrete flatwork – interior slab-on-ground and/or exterior concrete pavement. If the concrete flatwork fails or becomes a maintenance issue, it adversely affects long-term client retention and your reputation. Learn how the serviceability of concrete flatwork significantly impacts the efficiency and profitability of the operations. The merits of various types of reinforcing and installation will also be discussed and reference made to updated industry guides and resources.